Monday, January 28, 2013

My Favorite Beauty Gurus!

Today I want to share with you some of my favorite go-to beauty gurus for tips and tricks on make up, inspiration on fashion and DIY ideas for decorating your room.
Warning: If you are new to the beauty guru world beware, it is addicting. You will be hooked on their videos and blogs because they are just so AWESOME!

#1. Elle (Allthatglitters21) and Blair Fowler (Juicystar07)

Elle and Blair were the first beauty gurus I subscribed to several years back. They are sisters who over the years have accomplished some amazing things. They just launched their very own make up line, Skylark, published a book, moved to LA, design cell phone cases, upload amazing beauty videos and live amazing lives. Can I be a Fowler girl too?!

#2. Bethany Mota (MacBarbie07)

I wish I could be Bethany's best friend. She is funny, goofy, super stylish and has amazing videos! Personally, she has the best edited YouTube videos in the Beauty Guru world. Her videos range from topics from fashion, to make up, to cooking, to DIY and just her being her! I highly recommend her videos. 

#3. Carly Cristman (CarlyCristman)

Carly is chic, funny and knows how to put an outfit together. She is my go to style inspiration. Her videos feature great music and style looks and if you love high end styled looks this is the beauty guru for you. This tall girl knows how to rock it. 

#4. Ingrid (Missglamorazzi)

Are you a beauty nerd? Do you love being goofy and just don't really care what anyone thinks? Well, meet Ingrid and you and her would get along great! I consider myself a bit of a nerd....when I find something interesting I have to learn very detail about it, basically like studying, and Ingrid is the exact same! She is goofy, funny, and has GREAT style! I also love that she buys affordable drug store type products (because hey, use college girls love a good mark down...can I get an amen?!) Check her videos out! 

#5. Sarah Belle (Sarahbelle93x) 

My fellow college student who I feel I can relate with her on, well, basically everything. She has a southern charm to her style which I love. I have a weakness for anything monogrammed or anything with a vest, plaid print, or boots....ok I admit it, I'm a closet prep. But anyways, she has a great sense of humor and links you back to the places where she buys everything which I love! 

Leave a comment on what you think of these gurus, or who your favorite gurus are! I love discovering new ones to subscribe to.

xo, Andi