Monday, March 11, 2013

DIY: Decorative Letters

On one of my "off" days I wanted to be somewhat productive so I decided to do a fun, easy and inexpensive DIY.

My bathroom was looking a little blah, so I wanted to spice it up a bit with fun, big decorative letters for the walls.

What you need:
1. Cardboard Letters ( you can purchase whatever size fits for your wall, these were just under a foot tall and purchased them at Hobby Lobby.)

2. Spray Paint ( you can purchase whatever color spray paint works perfectly for your space. I love gold so I got a metallic gold spray paint.)

3. An empty wall to put up your work!

Have fun! 
xo Andi

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Jolianca Gems

My mom, sister & I have finally opened up our very own online boutique called Jolianca Gems. Jolianca stands for the first two letters of my father's, mother's, sister's and myself's names. This is a side project of mine that I have always wanted to do. I'm a big believer in following your dreams and just going for I did.

All my friends always come to me to borrow anything from jewelry, clothes, purses, shoes, scarves, you name it! Creating a store is something I wanted to do for my friends and all those girls out there who have a love for being stylish on a budget. 

Please visit and like the page

XO Andi